Failure to run SDK Manager from official docker image


We have double checked the tool.
And be able to flash the device without any issue.

Here are our steps:

  1. Download and install Docker engine

  2. Enable managing Docker as a non-root user

  3. Load Docker image:

    $ docker load -i ./sdkmanager-
    $ docker tag sdkmanager: sdkmanager:latest

  4. Flashing with below CLI:

    $ docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb/ --name JetPack_TX2_Devkit sdkmanager --cli install --logintype devzone --product Jetson --target P3310-1000 --targetos Linux --version 4.4.1 --select ‘Jetson OS’ --deselect ‘Jetson SDK Components’ --flash all --license accept --staylogin true --datacollection enable --exitonfinish

Please noted that you will need to update the --target based on the board you used.
Here are the corresponding value for your reference:

Device Target
Xavier-16GB P2888-0001
Xavier-32GB P2888-0004
Xavier-8GB P2888-0006
NX SDcard P3668-0000
NX EMMC P3668-0001
TX2 P3310-1000
Nano SDcard P3448-0000
Nano EMMC P3448-0002
Nano-2GB P3448-0003
