False line-crossing count for persons who do not pass the line in deepstream-occupancy-analytics

Sorry for the late reply, Is this still an DeepStream issue to support? Thanks

Sorry, I haven’t apply the patch yet because of troubles when preparing Jetson with deepstream6.3.
It may take more time, but I will let you know whether the false counting issue is solved.

I’m sorry for the late replay.
I’ve confirmed that the false counting can be solved by tuning “obj-cnt-win-in-ms”.
(I replaced only “libnvdsgst_dsanalytics.so” in ds6.0.1 with the new one.)
Thank you very much!

Your patch modifies parameters of the class NvDsAnalyticCtx.
What are the meanings and roles of “filtTime”, “timeOut”, and “hist” in NvDsAnalyticCtx that is declared in “/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/gst-plugins/gst-nvdsanalytics/nvds_analytics.h”?
I would like to optimize them for my input video.

thanks for the update.

Currently these parameters are not open, we suggest using the default value, which can be found in nvds_analytics.h.

Thanks for the replay. I’ll use the default values.

Thank you very much for your kind support about this issue.

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