Feature Request - Blending animations

When you drag in your animations to the sequencer you should be able to over lap animations and blend the end and start of the animation.

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Very much needed in my opinion too! This is now possible with the latest iClone8 ( I have seen the marketing videos only ) and I shall try these blendings for character animation there as soon as possible!


For now, I use Unreal Engine’s Sequencer to blend animations together.
To bring it into Machinima is a bit annoying though as I need to export my blended animation as FBX, then re-import back into Unreal and ‘Send to Omniverse’ as USD since Unreal’s sequencer isn’t supported for Omniverse yet.

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@LouRohan may have some comments on the sequencer export as I believe this is possible with our UE4 connector.

As for blending animations, I’m right there with you all, its high on my list for 2022.1 release. We’ll hopefully be sharing that road map shortly!

For now, I use Unreal Engine’s Sequencer to blend animations together.
To bring it into Machinima is a bit annoying though as I need to export my blended animation as FBX, then re-import back into Unreal and ‘Send to Omniverse’ as USD since Unreal’s sequencer isn’t supported for Omniverse yet.

The Unreal Connector will export skeletal animations and keyframes from Level Sequence Assets placed in a level.

Here’s an example of a programmer demonstrating Idle-to-Walk_Backwards-to-Idle blended animations:

I’ve just been working with USD import/exports which it told me it wasn’t supported (yet) but cool to know the Unreal live Connector does it, I will have to experiment with it thanks!

I may have misrepresented things a little in my post. The video you’re seeing isn’t LIVE - it’s actually an exported USD stage, props, materials, and animations from Unreal and opened in Create. I just synchronized the timesample playback with the level sequence playback manually.

Live editing of timesample data isn’t yet supported, and we also don’t synchronize timeline playback automatically.

With all of this said… it’s still really useful and I think could meet your needs.

Thanks for the transparency lol

tbh I haven’t had much luck with the Live thing (done it once or twice) so it’s good to hear that the video clip is USD exports as that’s been how I’ve been working with Machinima.

Interestingly when I tried to ‘Send to Omniverse’ on a camera with blended animations in UE4 Sequencer it told me it wasn’t supported; I will try again properly as I was only rushing it my last attempt.

Just want to say for this topic, blending animation ability would be awesome for sequencer, especially for animating a character which I do a lot in Machinima.

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