File System and OS Error when Installing JetPack 5.0.1 on Jetson Xavier using SDK Manager

When installing JetPack 5.0.1 using SDK Manager 1.8 0.10363, I get the following error:

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: 1. The root filesystem, provided with this package,

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: has to be extracted to this directory:

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: /media/phquanta/DATA/Jetpack_5.0/hw/JetPack_5.0.1_DP_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: -----------------------------------------------------

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: 2. The root filesystem, provided with this package,

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: has to be extracted with ‘sudo’ to this directory:

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: /media/phquanta/DATA/Jetpack_5.0/hw/JetPack_5.0.1_DP_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: -----------------------------------------------------

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: Consult the Development Guide for instructions on

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: extracting and flashing your device.

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: [host] [ 320.00 KB used. Disk Avail: 64.27 GB ]

08:54:22 INFO: File System and OS - target_image: [ NV_L4T_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_OS_T194_COMP Install took 2m38s ]

08:54:22 ERROR: File System and OS - target_image: command terminated with error

08:54:22 SUMMARY: File System and OS - target_image: First Error: Installation failed.

Format this partition to ext4.

I used partition with the ext4 format and it works and I was successfully able to use the tool to flash the Xavier.

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