Flash Jetson OS fails on Jetson AGX Xavier.....stuck at 99.8%

UART log is just the serial console. I use gtkterm to view a serial console, and this has the ability to log activity. Use settings of “115200 8N1”. I use Fedora, so some of my device names differ, but this would be a valid command line if your host supports serial device by ID:

gtkterm -b 8 -t 1 -s 115200 -p /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_Quad_RS232-HS-if03-port0

If you need to install gtkterm:

sudo apt-get install gtkterm

If your host doesn’t support serial device by ID, just monitor “dmesg --follow” during connect of the serial console cable…the first UART I think is the serial console.

However, the part which would be of more interest is the flash log itself. If you flash on command line the following would log the content and reduce progress bar spam with gawk:

sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1 2>&1 | gawk '{gsub("[0-9][0-9]+[/][0-9[0-9]+ bytes sent..",".");print}' | tee log.txt