Flash multiple kit Orin-nx with NVME by backup file

Hi, I am currently flashing multiple kit Orin-nx.
B1: I am using tool backup_restore to create backup image by cmd
sudo sed -i “s/mmcblk0p1/internal/g” tools/backup_restore/l4t_backup_restore.sh

sudo sed -i “s/mmcblk0/nvme0n1/g” tools/backup_restore/nvbackup_partitions.sh

sudo sed -i “s/mmcblk0/nvme0n1/g” tools/backup_restore/nvrestore_partitions.sh
sudo ./tools/backup_restore/l4t_backup_restore.sh -e nvme0n1 -b -c jetson-orin-nano-devkit
After this process i have file nvme0n1p1.tar.gz in folder /backup_restore/images/
B2: I am using the tool l4t_initrd_flash.sh to create a mass file package using a backup file in B1.
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --use-backup-image --no-flash --network usb0 --massflash 1 --showlogs jetson-orin-nano-devkit nvme0n1
B3: after that, i fash with cmd:
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --flash-only --massflash 1 --showlogs --network usb0
I am wondering i did wrong in which process. Because, i was flash the default jetpack, not the backup image I was created from B1. Can anyone help me create a package flash with a backup image? Thanks…

Check this post:

Hi, I was doing this tutorial but I can’t flash my backup file it still flash default to my OS build not file backup. I don’t understand why.

Put the log.
Don’t just say it doesn’t work…

What are you doing here?
This trick is only required on older BSP, and if you have the -e option then you don’t need it.

so i don’t need to do this

Then put the log here.

Thanks, let me run cmd again and push for you my log. And i am wondering log is located in the folder /initrdlog ?

here is my log.
flash_1-14_0_20240524-102504.log (6.1 KB)

I mean all log when you run B1, B2, and B3.

Hi, i do with B1, B2, B3 but i just have 2 log
flash_1-14_0_20240524-102504.log (6.1 KB)

flash_1-14_0_20240524-105445.log (5.1 KB)
And it fail in B3

I have no idea what you are doing.

i just do follow your tutorial. But log in file log is less than in my screen. So i must do something to show for you my log

None of your commands worked…
Delete everything in the BSP, start over again, and put the log here.
Also, get the log by manually copying contents in your terminal window.

oke thanks, let me try again.

Hi, there are 3 log in B1, B2, B3.
log_backup.log (14.6 MB)
log_backup_file.log (100.9 KB)
log_flash.log (5.4 KB)
It’s failed in B3. Thanks

Get the serial console log.

here is my log from serial console
usb_log.log (50.7 KB)

Are you sure these two logs really happen in the same flashing attempt?

yes when i try flash by cmd:
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --flash-only --massflash 1 --showlogs --network usb0
it has a same serial console log