Flash with SDK Manager fails

Hi all, I’m trying to flash a Jetson Orin Nano devkit with Jetson Linux based on Jetpack 6.1 with the SDK Manager. But, when I try to flash the device I get the error “The connected Jetson device is not ready for flash”.

A 64GB microSD card is inserted in the board as target storage.

The board is in forced recovery mode with the jumper on the REC and GND positions. I updated the firmware so it would support Jetpack 6.2 according to this documentation page: https://www.jetson-ai-lab.com/initial_setup_jon.html

I use Ubuntu 22.04 with a ext4 filesystem and plenty of disk space in a VM on Fedora 41. The connected USB cable is capable of data transmission. No other USB devices are connected on my host, but there are some devices connected to the board.

Any idea how to solve the flash error? Thanks in advance!

Hi @landervanloock

I want to ask a couple of things so that I can give better support to you:

  • How are you flashing your device? With the SDKManager or the flash.sh script?
  • Can you share the complete log when the flash fails?

You mentioned that you are using a virtual machine with Fedora 41. Is it possible to get a physical computer with a Linux distribution on it to confirm that the issue persists?


Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com

Hi @ricardo.gonzalez1,

I tried using the flash.sh script but that failed with numerous different errors. I then tried with the SDK manager to see if that works, but this also failed. I used it in a Ubuntu 22.01 virtual machine and as it turns out, that was the problem.

However, I encountered some errors in my image after following the RidgeRun tutorial for Yocto on Tegra. I did clone meta-tegra and poky and ran the build, but could it be that I need to enable “systemd” as init manager for my image in addition? I read that most of NVIDIA modules work with systemd…

Thanks in advance for the information!

Hi @landervanloock

I am sorry for the late response. I was checking our documentation to get more context on what you have done. Could you describe the steps that you followed and what are the errors you are oberving?


Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com

Hi @ricardo.gonzalez1

I did follow the documentation to set up a Yocto project and encountered an error on the serial console of the Jetson Orin Nano. More information about the error in this issue on GitHub: Jetson Orin Nano serial console errors · Issue #1828 · OE4T/meta-tegra · GitHub

It turns out that I was building poky and systemd was not used as INIT_MANAGER so the majority of the NVIDIA OOT modules didn’t work. I will test if maybe adding the INIT MANAGER to Poky could solve the error. It is worth mentioning that I’m using the “Scarthgap” branch of both Poky and meta-tegra.

Hi @landervanloock

We have to actually update our documentation, as you mentioned on the GitHub forum. In the meantime please follow Tegra-demo-distro official documentation: GitHub - OE4T/tegra-demo-distro: Reference/demonstration distro for meta-tegra


Ricardo González Víquez
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com