Flashing Jetson Linux 36.3 to usb drive

I’m running a reComputer J4012 (Orin NX 16GB) with preinstalled Jetpack 5.1.2 on a 128 GB nvme ssd.

I want to replace the 128 GB nvme with a 512 GB nvme ssd.
The 512 GB nvme ssd is now connected to usb with an adapter and visible as /dev/sda.

I downloaded Jetson Linux 36.3 (Jetson_Linux_R36.3.0_aarch64.tbz2) and I want to flash the bootloader to /dev/sda and then install linux to /dev/sda1.

After that I want to install the 512GB nvme ssd in the reComputer.

(The 512GB is purposed as internal drive).

How would I accomplish this?

You will need to check the instruction guide from reComputer to know how to do.

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