Flashing not working

can you update/downgrade the usb driver for your system

What do you mean with usb driver? Isn’t it part of the kernel? I use the same kernel version as it is running on the live usb system (4.18.0-17-generic). I also tried an older kernel, but that did not help.

I also noticed that I have to start the flash script immediately after bringing the Jetson in the recovery mode. If I wait too long (some seconds), it gives me the “probing the target board failed” message. So it seems that the connection gets lost after a while.

can you try with this command, this is to speed up the flashing process

sudo BOARDID=3310 FAB=B00 ./flash.sh -r jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1

I could solve the issue! I have the package TLP installed which activates some power saving features. The problematic feature is the USB autosuspend. If USB autosuspend is activated, flashing does not work. After deactivating this feature, it works again.

Doesn’t the Jetson support the USB suspend mode?


Just FYI, a live DVD or thumb drive style system usually runs on a FUSE file system, and then the generated image for rootfs becomes fuse instead of ext4. As a result this image would flash without error, but the system would not run correctly. This wouldn’t matter of course if the live thumb drive were mounting an ext4 file system (and since you already have a real Linux install perhaps this is the case). If you go to wherever the the “Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/” is, and run “df -H -T .”, then you can verify ext4.

@linuxdev: Yes, I mounted my existing ext4 filesystem and flashed the Jetson from there.

This! I spent waaay too long trying to get my Xavier to flash because of this autosuspend issue. It would be awesome if the folks at Nvidia put a check for this in the SDK Manager.
Basically making sure /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend contains a -1 value on the host machine


This was sooo the key: sudo vim /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend

And change to -1, write it out. Then turn on your system in flash mode. And run:
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier mmcblk1p1

Thanks Kyle and Thanks [MarkusHess] man this was a pain.

My development system was stable, running 16.04, for over a year then suddenly this occurred. The usb autosuspend fix was the solution. I have no idea how this happened since my uptime before fixing this was 78 days.