I made my custom board based on Xavier-NX devkit. (SSD : NVME)
I flashed Xavier NX with jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc.conf (Jetpack 4.6/4.7/5.1.2)
Now, I tried to use Jetson Orin NX on the board.
At first I tried to flash with jetson-orin-nano-devkit.conf. But, I failed.
I found in the forum that p3509-a02+p3767-0000.conf is recommended to use for xavier nx devkit board.
I tried to flash again with p3509-a02+p3767-0000.conf and flashed successfully.
But, there was another problem.
I could not detect jetson orin through usb. (my board is headless and I must set up with usb at first)
I tried a lot cases and find out one solution.
I modified dtsi file (tegra234-mb1-bct-pinmux-p3767-hdmi-a03.dtsi).
I modified spi2_cs0_pcc3.
(Devkit use this pin as CAM_MUX_SEL but I don’t use this pin and left it floating)
After modified the pin configuration, Orin NX was flashed well and detected well.
Why/How does the pin make the difference?
Is it a right solution?
I changed PULL-NONE to PULL-UP
Could you provide the UART log to check.
Here are my logs
jetson orin log(JP5.1.2 GPIO Pull-up)240805.txt (99.6 KB)
This is log after changing pcc3 pin.
jetson orin log(JP5.1.2 GPIO Pull-none)240805.txt (406.6 KB)
This is log without changing dtsi file. (Jetson usb is not detected in my linux PC)
Are you sure your log is correct?
To me, it looks like jetson orin log(JP5.1.2 GPIO Pull-up)240805.txt is the one that has no usb device mode enabled.
Pull-up : Host PC can detect Jetson Orin via usb0.
Pull-non : Host PC cannot detect Jetson Orin via usb0.
I just changed nvidia,pull of pcc3 pin in PINMUX(.dtsi). I didn’t changed anymore.
Log for Pull-none is mixed. I added new log here
jetson orin log(JP5.1.2 GPIO Pull-none)240805-2.txt (99.3 KB)
could you check it again?
The problem is your “pull up” log does not have any usb device mode enabled log…
Which log is usb device mode enabled log?
is there the log in “pull none” log?
I’m a ted’s coworker.
Please refer to the Board design below
- USB_VBUS_det (GPIO00): It changes from High to Low at USB_VBUS input.
- USB0 : USB_N, USB_P (GPIO109, GPIO111)
→ GPIO06 : Pull-up - Host PC can detect Jetson Orin NX via USB0.
Pull-down or none - Host PC cannot detect Jetson Orin NX vis USB0.
I don’t really see anything helpful from your comment… You just shared what Ted already told again with no extra info.
Your team does not provide a valid software log that can prove this behavior really happened on your side.
What you posted does not meet what you described.
I still don’t know whether GPIO06 has anything to do on your board. You better reviewing your hardware schematic by yourself but not providing same info to me again and again.