I am experiencing a strange problem with gdm ( and gdm only ). When I start up my computer and log in, the screen stays blank. Switching to another tty or force-restarting X ( Ctrl-Alt-Backspace ) do not work, only a hard reset. SSH-ing into that instance I see that it’s not entirely locked up, only that gdm takes up 100% of the CPU, and stracing the project reveals that it does a lot of sched_yield() calls and nothing else.
Workaround that I have found:
- restarting X as soon as I get the login screen
- switching to another tty and then back
- removing splash=silent from the boot parameters
- use another display manager, such as lightdm
Unfortunately, neither of those is a real solution, and I’d like to be able to log in with gdm without any workarounds. How can I do that?
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (224 KB)