Get nan when trying to slice in fp16

I implemented a network with cuda, but I want to slice the output result in fp16, but the result is nan, the result of fp32 is normal, what is wrong with my fp16 implementation?

// my implementation
ouput.size(batch, 193, 768)
my_output= ouput[:, 0] 
output.size(batch, 768)

// int , my func is invokesplitout

    int n = embed_dim_;
    int s = seq_len;
    int m = input_batch_size * s;
    invokesplitout(ouput, my_output, m, n, s, stream_);

// invokesplitout
// I have tried to use const half* __restrict  in, const half* __restrict  out when it's fp16,  but also nan. Anyway the fp32 is normal.
template<typename T>
__global__ void splitout(const T*  in, 
                            T*  out,
                            const int m, 
                            const int n, 
                            const int s)
    for (int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; id < m * n; id += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) 
        int col_idx = id % n;
        int row_idx = id / n / s;
        int tar_row_idx = row_idx * n;
        int tar_idx = tar_row_idx + col_idx;
        out[id] = in[tar_idx];

__global__ void splitout(const half*  in, 
                            half*  out, 
                            const int m, 
                            const int n, 
                            const int s)

    half2* out_ptr = (half2*)out;
    const half2* in_ptr = (half2*)in;
    for (int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; id < m * n; id += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) 
        int col_idx = id % n;
        int row_idx = id / n / s;
        int tar_row_idx = row_idx * n;
        int tar_idx = tar_row_idx + col_idx;
        half2 d1 = in_ptr[tar_idx];
        out_ptr [id] = d1;
        // printf("value=%lu\n", d1);

template<typename T>
void invokesplitout(
    const T* in, T* out, const int m, const int n, const int s, cudaStream_t stream)
    const int data_type_factor = 4 / sizeof(T);  // 1 for fp32, 2 for fp16
    dim3 block, grid;
    if (n / 4 / data_type_factor <= 1024) {
        block.x = n / 4 / data_type_factor;
        grid.x = m;
    else {
        block.x = 1024;
        grid.x = (m * n + 1023) / 1024;
    // splitout<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(in, out, m, n, s);
    splitout<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(in, out, m, n / data_type_factor, s);

template void invokesplitout(const float* in, float* out, const int m, const int n, const int s, cudaStream_t stream);

template void invokesplitout(const half* in, half* out, const int m, const int n, const int s, cudaStream_t stream);

Don’t do this. On the GPU, all data must be naturally aligned. half requires 2-byte alignment, half2 requires 4-byte alignment. Simply casting a half* to a half2* therefore easily gives rise to unaligned data access, which in turn returns undefined data.

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thx,the original code belongs to an open source project of NVIDIA. I asked the author on github whether my code is normal, and then according to his answer, I used half, but the result was still nan. If I remove my invokesplitout, the result of fp16 is normal, I don’t know what else needs to be modified in my func.

__global__ void splitout(const half*  in, 
                            half*  out, 
                            const int m, 
                            const int n, 
                            const int s)

    for (int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; id < m * n; id += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) 
        int col_idx = id % n;
        int row_idx = id / n / s;
        int tar_row_idx = row_idx * n;
        int tar_idx = tar_row_idx + col_idx;
        out[id] = in[tar_idx];
        // printf("value=%lu\n", d1);

template<typename T>
void invokesplitout(
    const T* in, T* out, const int m, const int n, const int s, cudaStream_t stream)
    const int data_type_factor = 1;  // 1 for fp32, 2 for fp16
    // const int data_type_factor = 4 / sizeof(T);  // 1 for fp32, 2 for fp16
    dim3 block, grid;
    if (n / 4 / data_type_factor <= 1024) {
        block.x = n / 4 / data_type_factor;
        grid.x = m;
    else {
        block.x = 1024;
        grid.x = (m * n + 1023) / 1024;
    // splitout<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(in, out, m, n, s);
    splitout<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(in, out, m, n / data_type_factor, s);

I generally don’t debug other people’s code, I find debugging my own code annoying enough. What I wrote above is just something I spotted scanning the code.

In addition to picking up NaNs through undefined data access, a typical scenario in which NaN is generated is an invalid floating-point operation, such as INFINITY-INFINITY, 0*INFINITY, 0/0, INFINITY/INFINITY. Because fp16 has a very limited range, underflow and overflow may occur easily an result in zero or infinity. You might want to look for those types of scenarios and carefully inspect intermediate data.