Getting image data from DepthImageProto


It seems we are missing this vital information in our documentation, thanks for bringing it up.

I’ll prepare a more complete sample, but assuming you have

ISAAC_PROTO_RX(ColorCameraProto, color_listener);

in your header file, here is how you would read a color image:

#include "engine/gems/image/color.hpp"
#include "engine/gems/image/io.hpp"
#include "engine/gems/image/utils.hpp"
#include "messages/camera.hpp"

// ....
ImageConstView3ub color_image;
FromProto(rx_color_listener().getProto().getImage(), rx_color_listener().buffers(), color_image);
SavePng(color_image, "path_to_file.png");

For depth, please use DepthCameraProto instead of ColorCameraProto and ImageConstView1f instead of ImageConstView3ub.

I’ll prepare a complete sample soon and update the documentation for our next release. Thanks again.
