GOAI: Open GPU-Accelerated Data Analytics

Originally published at: GOAI: Open GPU-Accelerated Data Analytics | NVIDIA Technical Blog

Recently, Continuum Analytics, H2O.ai, and MapD announced the formation of the GPU Open Analytics Initiative (GOAI). GOAI—also joined by BlazingDB, Graphistry and the Gunrock project from the University of California, Davis—aims to create open frameworks that allow developers and data scientists to build applications using standard data formats and APIs on GPUs. Bringing standard analytics data…

Can you share the code to generate the results in the video?

Publishing a docker for this stack is perfect.
Unfortunately, for some reason, I'm not able to overcome "Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'" when executing "docker build -t conda_cuda_base:latest ./base". The nvidia-docker2 installation appears to be working ok, but I'm not able to overcome the dependency on 'root' ...

Any ideas?
