got errors when using memcpy in kernel-function with cuda3.0 got no errors with cuda2.3~~~~

Hey guys:

   I just transfer a application , previously running on cuda2.3 (with gcc4.4 and GTX280), to run on cuda3.0 (with gcc4.4 and GTX480). Since cuda2.3 and 3.0 do not support gcc4.4, I commented some functions in the cuda include files --- "common_functions.h", "math_functions.h", and etc...

On the former one, I called a “memcpy” function in a global kernel function and it makes and runs well. But when I alter to the later platform, I got error message when I type “make”:

   error: calling a host function from a __device__/__global__ function is only allowed in device emulation mode, which just occurs on the "memcpy" lines....

Is there any differences from cuda2.3 and cuda3.0 on how to call host functions in kernel functions… Maybe it’s caused by the commented functions in cuda include files…

It’s realy a big problem for I could not use memset and memcpy in kernel functions from now on… So, who can help me… Thanks very much … ^_^

Hi all, the problem is OK now. I change gcc-4.4 back to gcc-4.3 and also restore the cuda include files I had modified to the default… Then the calling of memcpy and memset is OK now…

Thanks ^_^