GPIO pin can't reach 0v with 50kOhm pull up


I’m using JP 6.1, Orin NX 16G on Orin Nano devkit.

I configured the pin GPIO09 (Pin #7 on 40pins GPIO header) as output. The pinmux is fine, when board boot up:

$ sudo busybox devmem 0x02448030

I can drive the pin LOW/HIGH flawlessly. 0v at LOW and 3v3 at HIGH level.

But when I have 50kOhm pullup resistor between the pin and the 3v3, I’m not able to get 0v at low level. When the pin drove to LOW, its voltage is around 0.3v.

I don’t find that the Orin has drive strength setting for GPIO output.

Any idea about this issue? Thank you.

Please refer to below 40-pin header doc for the drive requirement of the pin after level shift.
Jetson Nano Developer Kit 40-Pin Expansion Header GPIO Usage Considerations Applications Note