GPS Data UART Communication

I am attempting to utilize the UART_1 pins (pins 6 and 8) on the extension header to recieve GPS data for my Jetson AGX Xavier. The GPS module I am using has a -D and +D pin holes (which I am assuming are for data-in and data-out). See here for the exact GPS module I am working with. I’m unsure of h ow I ought to go getting the data off about doing that. Is there something I need to configure on my GPS module? Are there any libraries that will allow me to access the data coming through these pins in C++ program?

Thanks in advance :)

hello user101803,

please check Product Design Guide, you should refer to [Jetson AGX Xavier UART Connections] for reference,
please looking for $ dmesg | gerp THS for the register uart ports, you should also check address mappings in the device tree,
i.e. public_sources/kernel_Src/hardware/nvidia/soc/t19x/kernel-dts/tegra194-soc/tegra194-soc-uart.dtsi

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