GPU Error Causing Display to Go Blank

Dear Team,

We are using a custom board based on the Jetson Orin NX module running JetPack 6.0, which includes Jetson Linux 36.3 (Kernel 5.15) and an Ubuntu 22.04 root file system.

We are encountering a random GPU error where the GPU logs an error message, and the display goes blank. This issue occurs randomly.Please find the attached log for reference.

Looking forward to your assistance.
GPU-error.txt (17.7 KB)

Suggest to use jeptack6.2 first.

Hi WayneWWW,
Thank you for your response.
Are there any significant GPU-related changes introduced in JP 6.2? Our requirement is to use JP 6.
Could you also help identify the cause of this error? We haven’t made any changes related to the GPU.

Hi WayneWWW
As we are still enocutering the GPU crash issue with the SDK 6,
We checked nvidia-smi to verify the driver compatiability. But, we are observing that the GPU driver version as N/A. Please find the below attached log, where the NVIDIA driver version is not showing

nvidia-smi does not support on Jetson. The result of it does not matter.

Just try to reproduce your issue on jetpack6.2 first. We don’t directly check on old release.