GPU metrics don't work (No device number in the list of GPUs)

i have one question
server GPU is GeForce RTX 3090, and Nsight system version is 2024.4.1, and server ubuntu version is 20.04.6 LTS
I want to know GPU metric such as L2 cache hit rate. However there exists a problem like below.
GPU device doesn’t show in the list of ‘GPUs’.

I don’t know the reason.
Please let me know about this issue.

Are you running in a docker or cloud, or other locale where you might need to set extra permissions?
Permissions: Elevated permissions are required. On Linux use sudo to elevate privileges. On Windows the user must run from an admin command prompt or accept the UAC escalation dialog. See Permissions Issues and Performance Counters for more information.

I solved this problem by allowing all users rights!
Thank you !