Green Images are saved in deepstream-5.1

**• Hardware Platform (Jetson NX) **
**• DeepStream Version (5.1) **
• JetPack Version (4.5.1)
• TensorRT Version (7.1.3)

Hello, Sir/Madam
I am using the deepstream-test5 with ip cam(1920x1080p) in my job now.
I have search around the forum for green image issues, and found this solution. However, I replace two files (deepstream_primary_gie_bin.c and deepstream_primary_gie.h), the problem is not solved.

When I set [streammux] with low resolution, I got the correct result. I have same problem like this.

My question is that how can I get correct frame from pipeline. Where can I find the code from deepstream which cause this problem.

this is my sample code where I got frame from pipeline:

cv::Mat enc_object(GstBuffer * buf, guint stream_id)
    NvBufSurface *ip_surf = NULL;
    char* src_data = NULL;
    GstMapInfo inmap = GST_MAP_INFO_INIT;
    if (!gst_buffer_map (buf, &inmap, GST_MAP_READ)) {
            g_print ("Error: Failed to map gst buffer\n");
            gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &inmap);
            return "error";
    ip_surf = (NvBufSurface *);

    src_data = (char*) malloc(ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].dataSize);
    if(src_data == NULL) g_print("Error: failed to malloc src_data \n");

    NvBufSurfaceMap (ip_surf, -1, -1, NVBUF_MAP_READ);
    NvBufSurfacePlaneParams *pParams = &ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].planeParams;
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    for(unsigned int num_planes=0; num_planes < pParams->num_planes; num_planes++){
            offset += pParams->height[num_planes-1]*(pParams->bytesPerPix[num_planes-1]*pParams->width[num_planes-1]);
        for (unsigned int h = 0; h < pParams->height[num_planes]; h++) {
          memcpy((void *)(src_data+offset+h*pParams->bytesPerPix[num_planes]*pParams->width[num_planes]),
                (void *)((char *)ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].mappedAddr.addr[num_planes]+h*pParams->pitch[num_planes]),
    NvBufSurfaceSyncForDevice (ip_surf, -1, -1);
    NvBufSurfaceUnMap (ip_surf, -1, -1);

    gint frame_width = (gint)ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].width;
    gint frame_height = (gint)ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].height;
    gint frame_step = ip_surf->surfaceList[stream_id].pitch;

    cv::Mat picYV12 = cv::Mat(frame_height * 3/2, frame_width, CV_8UC1, src_data, frame_step);
    cv::Mat picBGR = cv::Mat (cv::Size(frame_width, frame_height), CV_8UC3);
    cv::cvtColor(picYV12, picBGR, CV_YUV2BGR_NV12);

    if(src_data != NULL) {
         src_data = NULL;
    gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &inmap);
    return picBGR;

Thank you very much.

Please refer to the sample of deepstream-image-meta-test

The deepstream-image-meta-test can save the image in jpeg format successfully, but I want to encode the image to base64.
The sample code below can get the low resolution image data.

I want to save the image in 1080p. How can I solve such a problem?

Do you mean you want to scale the picture before encode it into jpeg? The NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference: Main Page API can help you to scale the pictures with GPU.

What do you mean by “low resolution”? How can we reproduce your problem? Can you provide the complete code?

I write this function

called in bbox_generated_probe_after_analytics in deepstream-test5. Low resolution means when I set [streammux] with 720p, I can get the correct result. When I set [streammux] with 1080p, I get the green image like this

This is the main.cpp which revised from deepstream_test5_app_main.c
main.cpp (52.2 KB)

I ran both at x86 and Jetson wiith the same video file, and I got wrong result of base64 when I set [streammux] with 1080p in Jetson.
test_x86_1080p.txt (92.5 KB)
test_Jetson_1080p.txt (387.2 KB)

It is no problem when I set [streammux] with 720p.
test_x86_720p.txt (52.4 KB)
test_Jetson_720p.txt (51.6 KB)

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Did this still be an issue?

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