Gst-launch-1.0 not working

I made a custom camera driver and flashed with kernel 4.9.201-tegra-32.5.0 and my camera driver was working and I tested the camera streaming using “gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc ! nvvidconv ! xvimagesink” now I updated to the new version 4.9.253-tegra-32.6.1 and tried the same command but its not streaming.

I tried to dmesg and find out the issue .
ov5693_strat_straming function is not being called which was being called in the previous version(4.9.201-tegra-32.5.0) i was using.
is there anyway to fix it?

For upgrading to new BSP version you would need to port sensor driver and device tree. Please check if it works in capturing raw(such as BG10 format) frames through v4l2-ctl command first.

Hi @DaneLLL ,
I tried to capture frames through v4l2-ctl but it also failed.
How to port from 4.9.201-tegra-32.5.0 to 4.9.253-tegra-32.6.1?

Please provide information about your sensor(brand and model ID) and the patch of modifying device tree on r32.5.

Hi @DaneLLL ,
I got the issue solved after writing the registers which were to be written while the function ov5693_start_Streaming should be called. I wrote the registers in the ov5693_set_mode and was able to get streaming.

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