GTC 2020: CUDA Graphs

GTC 2020 CWE21914
Presenters: Alan-Gray,NVIDIA; Steven-Gurfinkel, NVIDIA; Evan-Weinberg, NVIDIA; Jeff-Larkin, NVIDIA
This is an opportunity to find out more about CUDA Graphs, discuss why they may be advantageous to your particular application, and get help on any problems you may have faced when trying to use them.

Graphs present a new model for work submission in CUDA. A graph is a series of operations (such as kernel launches) connected by dependencies, which is defined separately from its execution. This allows a graph to be defined once and then launched repeatedly. Separating out the definition of a graph from its execution enables a number of optimizations. First, CPU launch costs are reduced compared to streams because much of the setup is done in advance. Second, presenting the whole workflow to CUDA enables optimizations that might not be possible with the piecewise work submission mechanism of streams.

This session will be staffed by representatives from the NVIDIA CUDA team developing graphs, as well as NVIDIA application specialists with experience using graphs.

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Is anyone else able to view this session? When trying to play it, I just see the spinning loading symbol forever.

Thanks for reporting this - I just checked, looks like there was no video recording of this “Meet the experts” session but there is a link to the presentation used. That link is :

Sorry about that.

@nadeemm When I try to click the watch button, I end up with a page not found error, for the GTC talk on CUDA Graphs. From the comment that you left, I guess that video is not at all available. (The 2020 talk)

Since then it has been almost 3 years. Any substitute video for the same since then?

Hi @abhishekghos

I replied to your other post. I have the team looking into the 2020 video link. Please stay tuned for an update on your original topic.


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The best reference material I can find is the CUDA docs:

I did try to look up videos on NVIDIA on demand, but most of the videos were older - dating to when it was first introduced - it was more shiny then :)

I hope that helps.

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