Hello AI World, train network

I use CSI Sony IMX477 Camera, Jetpack 4.6,
Python 3.6.9.
I just want to train a network to detect the objects.
I have carried out all the steps that are in Hello AI World.
with the command
$ camera-capture csi://0
I could run my camera to have photos.
I train my network with the command
($ python3 train_ssd.py --dataset-type=voc --data=data/Features --model-dir=models/Features --batch-size=2 --workers=1 --epochs=1).

then I convert my pretrained network to onnx by the command
($ python3 onnx_export.py --model-dir=models/Features)

but when i excute the last Command
($ detectnet --model=models/Features/ssd-mobilenet.onnx --labels=models/labels.txt --input-blob=input_0 --output-cvg=scores --output-bbox=boxes csi://0) i get a problem:

gstDecoder – failed to retrieve next image buffer.
failed to capture video frame.

can anyone help me please

Hi @yazan.doha, it appears that your nvargus daemon needs reset (it provides the interface to the CSI camera) - to do that, you can either reboot your board or run this command:

$ sudo systemctl restart nvargus-daemon

After that, you can try running video-viewer csi://0 to make sure that you can view your camera again.

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Hi dusty_nv,
thank you very much. Now my camera woks well.

Hi Yazan, ok great, glad you were able to get your camera working again!

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