Procured Nvidia Orin NX 16GB module, Please help me in initial Bringup. We didn’t procure developement kit but we have designed our own carrier board and power sequencing is taken care as per the design guide.
we have brought out USB0 signals to use as flashing port.
And Please clarify the below mentioned doubts :
at first power ON, do we get display or USB will be detected ??
How to flash the Orin Nx 16GB module, please guide me ??
Recommend to really get a NV devkit first and play around it first.
I believe your first flash on custom board may not work due to lots of reasons. will explain that one by one.
A small doubt regarding the flashing port. At initial power on of the production boards of ORIN NX, Does USB0 detects even when orin NX is not in recovery mode ?
In my test setup, usb0 is getting detected when in force recovery pulled low and also when force recovery is not pulled low. Is it a normal behavior ?