HELP.. Opencv4tegra with Ximea camera API module??

My Info:
Jetson tk1
L4t r21.3
cuda 6.5

How do you add Ximea module (or any other third party camera ex. Proscilla) to the Opencv4tegra? It seems like Opencv4tegra don’t have the configuration option (cvconfig) like Opencv. In Opencv-2.4.10 to add ximea… all you do is “cmake -D WITH_XIMEA=YES” … I try to compile Opencv-2.4.10 but error at %8 due to gl header error.


I’m guessing this is a GigE or USB camera? Not sure how to help with adding the module, but if other posts here have been any indication, you’ll need one of those connection types to get the camera working.