Hi, How to recompile openvswitch and mlnx-dpdk with debuginfo in MLNX_OFED(version 5.4- on CentOS7.6?

I have tried some methods such as https://community.mellanox.com/s/article/howto-compile-mlnx-ofed-drivers--160---mlnx-ofa-kernel-example-x ,

but cannot pass the test suit of openvswitch.


What do you try to do :

1.Recompile openvswitch with debug info ?

Once your run boot.sh, you can run configure with the option : --with-debug

2.Recompile dpdk with debug info (which version)

If your build is based on meson/ninja

You can choose the buildtype

meson configure -Dbuildtype=debug

3.Recompile MOFED with debug info ?

Under the source of mlnx-ofa-kernel, you can run configure with --with-debug-info

