Holonomic drive messages

Hey, thanks for the fast response.

I’ve seen that. But I was looking more at a ROS component (like ROS_DifferentialBase) or at a REB component so that I can control that through code.
I’ve seen the REB_holonomic base but it’s not clear to me if it is also omnidirectional. I’ve experimented a lot today so I have a bunch of question that maybe you can answer:

  • Can I develop a custom ROS component to move my robot? smth like ROS_DifferentialBase but for my omnidirectional robot. If so is there any tip?
  • Is the REB_HolonomicBase also usable in a omnidirectional way?
  • Is it possible to send command to the REB_DifferentialBase (or any other component) through ros? For this I think I have to dig into rosbridge and the tutorials but I didn’t had time today ;)
  • Maybe, you can also check my other question regarding the rendering layers for the camera if you have time

Much appreciated,