Holonomic navigation


I’ve tried isaac sdk, unity, ros for differential drive (tutlebot3). It works, but the holonomic drive script is not implemented in unity.

I’m trying to do kaya (holonomic drive) navigation using isaac sdk 2020.1, omniverse 2020.2 and ros melodic.

omniverse 2020.2 is setup already and I’ve tried samples like warehouse navigation with carter. So any suggestions/steps I should modified to do holonomic drive navigation?


I’m using Warehouse Navigation with Carter as start.

Is that possible to replace Carter_REB with Kaya_REB? and modify the sdk part from differential drive to holonomic drive?

Hi dlan,

Please ask your question in the Isaac SDK forum, you will get a better answer.


Have you succeeded? I’m also trying to navigate the complete controller. @dlan

Hi @1365351984 - You can use this doc to setup the controller: 4.3. Adding A Controller — Omniverse IsaacSim latest documentation