Holoviz rendered video output to AJA capture card

is it possible to use the AJASourceOp solely for outputting video frames? I would like to replay a video file, pass it to my inference pipeline and output the rendered frames from the Holoviz operator on my AJA capture card.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @faridh ,
We don’t have an operator or example that uses the AJA card for just output.

The examples available show how to configure a pipeline using the AJA card as source. See holoscan-sdk/src/operators/aja_source/aja_source.cpp at main · nvidia-holoscan/holoscan-sdk · GitHub and holohub/applications/endoscopy_tool_tracking/cpp/main.cpp at main · nvidia-holoscan/holohub · GitHub

For your use-case a new operator “AjaSinkOp” is required. This would require a bit of software engineering. Some of the overlay example parts in the link above are relevant for this purpose, specifically allocating buffers, passing them to holoviz for offscreen-rendering, and then DMA’ing them back to the AJA framebuffer for output.