Houdini 20 and Connector 200.0.0 issue with node parameter menu

This is more of a issue report but as I don’t have permission to access the Omniverse Jira via the “Report an Issue” tool in the Omniverse menu I’ll drop it here.

We just upgraded to Houdini 20 (20.0.590) and I installed the Houdini Connector 200.0.0 but I get a python error when right clicking on a node parameter to bring up the menu.
If I disable the omniverse package the problem disappears.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 4, in expression
File “C:\PROGRA~1\SIDEEF~1\HOUDIN~1.590\python310\lib\asyncio\runners.py”, line 33, in run
raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: asyncio.run() cannot be called from a running event loop

Anyone else getting this?

@robert.krupa i am just another OV user, so take my input as a grain of salt. i personally haven’t tried to use the latest Houdini connector, but i am uncertain if the tilde (~) in the path is related. is the issue persistent/reproducible on another comp?

Yes it happens on other computers here as well.
The appearance of ~ in the path is just short filename (8.3 filenames) for the path to the python file in the Houdini installation.

It seems to have to do with functions for showing checkpoint info in the right click menu for parameters in

My current workaround is to change the file extension of the file:
to something else to stop it from loading. Or just delete it

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I’m experiencing the same issue… and currently renaming the “PARMmenu.xml” as well. I would like to brin OV in our prod pipeline but too many aspects not really working yet.

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Hello @robert.krupa and @paoloc3d
Sorry for the late reply.
The problem was that Houdini 20 has its own implementation for Python async even loop that doesn’t compatible with the way we do the menu expression in Houdini 19 and 19.5. We have a fix coming in Houdini Connect 200.0.1. I will update here once the fix is released.

Thank you for letting us know the issue.


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Having the same issue. Would be great to have that fix:)
Thanks in advance

Houdini Connector v200.0.1 has been released with this “right click menu error” issue fixed. Please let us know if you are still running the issue and thank you for all the feedback.

Works fine so far, thank you very much!!!

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