How about don't print the logs when video decode?

hi everyone!
When the video file decode, the terminal print the logs. so following:

VideoDecode::DecodeVideo start!!~~~~~~~~~
Failed to query video capabilities: Inappropriate ioctl for device
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 261
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockOpen: 7647: NvMMLiteBlockOpen
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 261
Starting decoder capture loop thread
Input file read complete
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecDoWork: 6531: NVMMLITE_TVMR: EOS detected
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1179: BeginSequence 1280x720, bVPR = 0
TVMR: LowCorner Frequency = 0
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1529: DecodeBuffers = 5, pnvsi->eCodec = 4, codec = 0
TVMR: TVMRFrameStatusReporting: 6132: Closing TVMR Frame Status Thread -------------
TVMR: TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread: 5942: Closing TVMRVPRFloorSizeSettingThread -------------
TVMR: TVMRFrameDelivery: 5982: Closing TVMR Frame Delivery Thread -------------
TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockClose: 7815: Done
VideoDecode::DecodeVideo end!!~~~~~~~~~
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1600: Display Resolution : (1280x720)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1601: Display Aspect Ratio : (1280x720)
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1669: ColorFormat : 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence:1683 ColorSpace = NvColorSpace_YCbCr601
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1809: SurfaceLayout = 3
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1902: NumOfSurfaces = 12, InteraceStream = 0, InterlaceEnabled = 0, bSecure = 0, MVC = 0 Semiplanar = 1, bReinit = 1, BitDepthForSurface = 8 LumaBitDepth = 8, ChromaBitDepth = 8, ChromaFormat = 5
TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1904: BeginSequence ColorPrimaries = 2, TransferCharacteristics = 2, MatrixCoefficients = 2
Video Resolution: 1280x720
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(792) (INFO) : Allocating (17) OUTPUT PLANE BUFFERS Layout=1
libv4l2_nvvidconv (0):(808) (INFO) : Allocating (17) CAPTURE PLANE BUFFERS Layout=0
Query and set capture successful

I don’t want to print the logs.

Please try


It can disable partial prints. Others are printed always.
