How can i compile tensorflow c++ API on jetson xavier nx?

I try compile tensorflow 1.15.5 from source on nx, but get the error below:

ERROR: /home/mrobot/workspace/tensorflow-1.15.5/tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/BUILD:322:1: C++ compilation of rule ‘//tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda:cudnn_stub’ failed (Exit 1)
In file included from tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/
./tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/ error: ‘cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t’ has not been declared
cudnnConvolutionFwdPreference_t preference,

any one can help?


It looks like a compatible issue.

Based on the error, the TensorFlow source tries to find cuDNN 7.1 API.
But if you are using JetPack 4.6, the cuDNN package is already 8.2.1.



thanks! yes, my J4T version is 4.6.

is downgrade cnDNN version to 7.1 can solve this problem?
but i think it may cause conflicts with other installed package, such lick TensorRT…


To downgrade the cuDNN package directly might cause some dependency issues.

Based on the below source, TensorFlow v1.15.x only supports cuDNN up to version 7.
It’s recommended to downgrade the whole JetPack software or use a compatible TensorFlow v2.x instead.


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