How can i run multi(more than 4) NvEncoder on "RTX3060"?

How can i run multi(more than 4) NvEncoder on “RTX3060”?

I’ve using “Nvidia Video SDK” (v11.1.5, NvEcoder) for my projects.

On “T4” device, 4Encoder works well

When run same codes ofcource, with “RTX3060” , 3encoder is fine, but when create 4th it has error when it calls
“NVENC_API_CALL(m_nvenc.nvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx(&encodeSessionExParams, &hEncoder));” (NvEncoder.cpp)

errors info:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAE8AFA839 in UniTraffic.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: NVENCException at memory location 0x0000007D7D5FF1F0.(exception thrown from : KernelBase.dll)

But "RTX3060"s memory is stable and eanough to use 4encoders.

  • When use 3encoders, gpu memoy usage is 3.2GB(27% used), ram usage 6GB(30% used)

The 3Encoder and 4th encoder’s each resolution is

  • 1st encoder : 4096x2160
  • 2nd/3rd encoder : 704*396
  • 4th encoder : 1920x1080
    (retested : 1st,2nd same and 3rd set 1920x1080 → it has same error)