How do I reinstall VPI1-Demos?

E: The package vpi1-demos needs to be reinstalled, but I can’t find an archive for it.

How do I reinstall VPI1-Demos?

Hi there @JohnNash ,

Please refer to the installation instructions found in the VPI documentation.

It would also help if you could mention on which target platform (Jetson Nano maybe?) you are working so we can connect you to the correct sub-forums.


It’s on an Ubuntu 18.04 laptop。

sunlogin_20220712110142.bmp (5.9 MB)
Is there a fix link for VPI1-Demos? I think the link you sent is vPI2

Hi again!

VPI1 is deprecated, that might be the reason you see the failure in your screenshot. In general the process is still the same, use the SDK Manager. But since that is the one you actually want to uninstall, that information will not really help you.

So my suggestion would be instead of trying to find VP1 archives, rather force remove the sdkmanager.
Check the apt manual for different --force options.

Other than that you could uninstall the Jetson SDK package from within the sdkmanager, this is the package that will bring in the VPI demos.

I hope that helps!

Hello! Can nx modules be upgraded online from jetpack4.4 to jetpack4.4.1? Can an online upgrade be completed by command without reburning the system?

If this is only about installing updated app packages from Jetpack, you should be able to do so with the help of SDKManager without the need to flash again. But if the main boot image is changed, you will not get around flashing.

But I am not an expert on Jetpack issue and to get the best help wth Jetson NX issues please create a new topic in the dedicated Jetson Xavier NX - NVIDIA Developer Forums
