How do I use cross process image streamer?


Driveworks 0.3.0 documentation says, that there is a cross process image streamer. But there are no samples with it. I tried to create 2 image cross process streamers (NVMEDIA → NVMEDIA) with the same arguments (except roles) within a single process and all of them returned DW_NOT_AVAILABLE error during initialization.


Dear nevermoreao4sv,

It looks like you are looking for this sample,
External Media.
Hope this helps. Thanks.


No, I’m looking for an example with cross process image streamer usage.

I created NVMEDIA YUV420 UINT8 → CUDA cross process image streamer, but why is similar cross process streamer NVMEDIA YUV420 UINT8 → NVMEDIA is not available?

Dear nevermoreao4sv,

Could you refer to the below? Thanks.External Media


I can’t find this sample in documentation nor sources. I have version 0.3.426 installed.

Nevertheless, the interface is pretty clear (except that consumer side requires image properties, but it might be received through IPC to be used in the streamer, so a developer have to write its own engine to share input image properties). And cross process parameters are not documented \ enumerated, but UNIX socket is fine for me.
But I still can’t create NVMEDIA → NVMEDIA cross process image streamer (but I can create it in a single process mode) and documentation tells that NVMEDIA → NVMEDIA is ideal for cross-processing.