How does deepstream app and plug-in transfer data in real time

Xavier+deepstream 5.0

How does deepstream app and plug-in transfer data in real time? What is the relationship between them? Different threads? Why can’t I pass data through global variables

Can you share your use case? appsrc/appsink can transfer data between application and pipeline.

I want to use the time-consuming information in the nvdsappperfstruct structure in deepstream app through \deepstream\libs\nvvisionmsgconv\nvmsgconv.cpp files are sent out.

I want to transmit the frame rate information through deepstream\gst-plugins\gst-nvmsgbroker,

Suppose you can do it as you have the source code of msgconvert and msgbroke.

Are you playing Tai Chi?

Sorry for later response. Does this still one issue in your project?