How many standing force of SoM is OK when attached/fixed a heat sink on SoM?

How many standing force of SoM is OK when attached/fixed a heat sink on SoM ?
Does it have specification to avoid the distortion of SoM to damage the PCB and components in SoM ?

Hi, not sure about your question for, please check the module datasheet and design guide in DLC first to see if this is covered.

Does NV have the data of SOM’s maximum Static Compressive Loading Limit ?

What’s use case required to know the limit?

We will add thermal solution on SOM, thermal solution has pressure loading on SOM, so we need to know what is the maximum static compressive loading limit for thermal solution design.

Hi, are you attaching a thermal solution to the top of the module, or are the pressing down on the module and therefore compressing the 699-pin connector and causing strain on the PCB?

We will attach a thermal solution on the top of the module(SoM), we need know the module(SoM) of maximum static compressive Loading Limit for thermal solution design. we worry that the thermal solution damage the module(SoM),