How shared are shared variables? Can shared variables from separate function calls conflict?

I’m running the same function on every thread, but with different input parameters. To speed up this function, I declare the variables in the function as shared. Because shared memory is shared within a block, I worry that the function calls interfere with each other and the shared variables could be overwritten. However, the example below seems to work correctly. Is this actual legal use of shared variables? Does every call to that function reserve a separate copy of that variable or am I just lucky?

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

device void BGC_MODEL(float bgc_swr, float *output)
const int bgc_timesteps=20;
shared float topo4;
shared int it;

topo4 = 0.;
topo4 += 0.05*bgc_swr;
*output = topo4;

void wrapper(int nn, float *bgc_swr, float *output)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i>=0 && i<nn)

int main() {
int i, blcks;
const int nn=1000;
const int threadsperblock=32;
size_t size = nn*sizeof(float);

float* bgc_swr = (float*)malloc(size);
float* output = (float*)malloc(size);

for (i=0;i<nn;i++) {

float* bgc_swr_DEV; cudaMalloc(&bgc_swr_DEV, size);
float* output_DEV; cudaMalloc(&output_DEV, size);

blcks = (nn+threadsperblock-1)/threadsperblock;
cudaMemcpy(bgc_swr_DEV,bgc_swr, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

wrapper<<<blcks, threadsperblock>>>(nn, bgc_swr_DEV, output_DEV);

cudaMemcpy(output, output_DEV, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

for (i=0;i<nn;i+=100)
printf(“%d %f\n”,output[i]);

return 0;


Have you checked the returned results? I’d be really surprised if they were correct.

As shared variables are shared between all threads in a block (which is the sole purpose of shared variables), this example can only work correctly if called with only one thread per block.

There seems to be a common misconception that placing variables in shared memory magically makes a CUDA kernel run faster. This is not the case however (actually the opposite is true: shared memory access is slower than using registers, particularly on compute capability 2.x). Shared memory can only speed up a kernel if it is used to avoid access to off-chip (global) memory.
In you case just drop _shared from it and topo4.

Yes, the results are correct.

Without using the shared declarations, my code (same structure as the example above, but much bigger) runs slower.

OK, looking closer I see that you have a blocksize of only 32 threads, and that the same value is written to all threads. If either of the two conditions were not fulfilled you would get wrong results. So yes, you are just lucky.

How using shared memory could speed up this example I fail to see however. However with a blocksize larger than 32 and the loop counter in shared memory it would be likely that some iterations of the loop are skipped, making the kernel appear to run faster.