How to burn PCN208560 Xavier AGX with 64G


Currently I have a custom board with Xavier AGX 32GB and Jetpack 4.6.3.
I have a Linux_for_Tegra folder with my custom image inside and all the needed stuff.

My question is:
In case I would like to burn a new Xavier AGX 64GB, can I do it from the same folder?
Or do I need to make some changes to some files? If so, could please explain me?

You should read the PCN announcement first and see which release starts to support this PCN.

If your software version ins newer than that version, then you don’t need to apply anything.

Hi and thanks for the answer.

I did not want to port a new JetPack to my custom product.
What I was hoping is to be able to burn my custom existing image to a new Xavier AGX 64GB.
Is it possible?


It depends on which jetack version is your “existing image” based on. If it is too old, then it is not possible to flash on new device directly. You need to check if there is any overlay provided in the L4T archive website.

As I mentioned in my first message, I’m talking about Jetpack 4.6.3.

I dumped an image from my board (with Xavier AGX 32GB) and want to burn it on a new Xavier AGX 64GB.

Yes, I don’t have the PCN announcement right now. You can check which jetpack supports that module. If the announcement says jp4.6.3 supports it, then you don’t need any extra software.

Also, it does not matter what image run on your 32GB module. The critical file is not in the image you clone out either.

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Just an update,

I did try to burn a new Xavier AGX 64GB from my Linux_for_Tegra folder with my image.
It worked just fine!

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