How to change and recompile .so files in nvidia_drivers.tbz2

How to change and recompile .so files in nvidia_drivers.tbz2 ?


I mean, where are the sources of these libraries?

Sorry to tell those libs are not public source code.

But I need to use v4l2src, and the v4l2src has about one frame latency in comparison to nvarguscamerasrc.

A problem that was reported about three years ago and unfortunately still exists. Compared to an anonymous and inexpensive Chinese processor that has no such latency in its v4l2 path. Doesn’t Nvidia intend to solve this very important problem?

All of these products and libraries and services and efforts will eventually lead to a product based on video, and it is very surprising that this problem is abandoned at the beginning of the stream of video.

For v4l2src you can apply below patch for it.

Thanks. I am reviewing these changes and will inform you of the result