how to compile NVIDIA L4T 32.1?

Are there any tutorials about how to compile NVIDIA L4T 32.1 like [url][/url] did?

You could download the L4T document from download center. If you want to compile the kernel source.

I had already compiled zimage and dtbs successfully but don’t know how to install it.

I want to replace the original Image, dtb, kernel_supplements.tbz2 and kernel_headers.tbz2.

Can I just replace them and use SDKManager to install?

Do I need to recompile other files such as bootloader ?

If so , how to build them ?

You could put it back to Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/

After that step, you need to use flash script to do manually flash. Please do not use sdkmanager when trying to update your own kernel.

You also don’t need to recompile bootloader.