How to Configure a Firewall

I have executed the DOCA Flow gRPC on the DPU using the following command:
sudo ./doca_flow_grpc -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.4 -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.5 --iova-mode=va – -g --nb_hairpin_qs 2 -l 60

And I’ve started the firewall on the host with this command:
sudo /opt/mellanox/doca/applications/firewall/bin/doca_firewall --grpc-address -l 50 -m static -r firewall_rules.json

How should I configure the ovs-vsctl and ovs-ofctl flow settings? Also, do I need to run a separate gRPC orchestrator program?

and I’m not sure how to configure the SF as shown in the diagram. Additionally, I’m unsure how to connect the app with VF0 on the host side. Could you provide guidance on these steps?

Are you suing DOCA2.5?

This app have been remove on 2.7.