How to configure ReID model for a specific object class in config tracker?



  • A detection model that can detect person and car

I would like nvtracker (NvDCF) to track both types of objects (person and car), and I would like to configure ReID model for person class only.

Looking at the config_tracker_NvDCF_accuracy.yml, there is no option for configuring this. So it assumes ReID model will be applied for both types of objects?

If you have any hint, please help us?

I will check internally and feedback. Can you ignore the ReID vector of car currently?

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Thanks for considering it.

So far, I have configured NvDCF not to use ReID model. I use a SGIE to extract person embeddings and then these embeddings are sent to a message broker (Kafka). Another service will obtain messages from that broker.

However, I still prefer “configuring ReID model for person class only.” in config_tracker_NvDCF_accuracy.yml.