How to control the Realtek RTL8153 phy module on Jetson_TX2

Dear Expert,

we are using a board with Jetson_TX2_Module and on that board, it include a Realtek RTL8153 phy module to control ethernet, and now we need to control the Realtek RTL8153 phy, for example, we need to let this phy enter into ethernet test mode to verify signal; could you show us how to achieve our goal ?

and the sdk package we used are listed following :

Thanks a lot and Best regards,
Bryant Wu

Dear Expert,

forget to say, our linux version is :
Linux tegra-ubuntu 3.10.96-tegra #1 SMP PREEMPT #date# aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

and the complete sdk package we used are listed following :

Thanks a lot and Best regards,
Bryant Wu

Hi, please ask Realtek for the test tool and guide.

don’t you never try to control the phy ? i mean let it enter into ethernet mode, etc

if yes, you should have had the tool, could you share it to us ?

As the third-part tool, it can only be shared by vendor.

did you have try the tool ? did it work ?

Ethernet of dev kit is certainly verified with vendor’s tool.

As previous update, the tool and guide is from Realtak, we did follow their guide to make it work.
Please contact Realtak for relevant question.


Sorry, i had one question that is, i post wrong cpu module name, and our cpu module is TX1 instead of TX2

did the Realtek tool works on TX1, too ?

Thanks reply

Sure it works as the ethernet chip on TX1 is right from Realtek, while it is from Broadcom on TX2.

Sorry i was a little confused,

you mean in TX1, the ethernet module is from Realtek,

but in TX2, the ethernet module is from broadcom

am i right ?


Sorry one more question,

could you give us the contact windows of Realtek who in charge of this part ?

many thanks