How to create Graphical user interface by using Cuda code


How to design Graphical user interface which has button, colour, number etc, with using the Cuda programming method?

(Herewith kindly refer to the attached document)


Project - Cuda Image Processing.pptx (813 KB)

I would advise caution in opening attachments from forum postings, in particular office documents containing Macros.

To a first order approximation, user interface design is orthogonal to CUDA. CUDA cannot directly access any sort of display data or information.

The exception to this is CUDA/Graphics interop. CUDA/Graphics interop can be useful when display data needs to be shared or passed between CUDA computations and graphical display.

Other aspects of UI design, e.g. windows, icons, menus, dialogs etc. should be considered to be entirely separate from CUDA.

You can learn more about CUDA graphics interop with a bit of intrepid googling.


Can you please provide some sample and example as a reference - it will be good for understanding


Really, your question is too broad. You want a sample of what specifically?

Graphics Interop is covered by these code samples - they ship with the nVidia CUDA toolkit

[url]CUDA Samples :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation


Kindly please refer to the attached document - PowerPoint


Project - Cuda Image Processing.pptx (813 KB)

Question A could be based on a modification of an image filtering sample of the CUDA toolkit. Change the sample to modify a single color channel with an additive offset. Did the assignment really ask you to add bottoms? Google “bottoms” with safe seatch mode off. It’s going to be fun ;-). Then maybe create buttons with the GUI toolkit of your choice.

Question B could be solved with a Sobel or Canny Edge detection filter. Such filters generate contours. Google helps finding matching CUDA code.

Question C is posed ambiguously and vague. Generic conversion of an image to a 3D stereoscopic view requires depth information.
Whoever Posed this question did not mention what data or objects to show on screen and where to take it from. Or maybe my iphone doesn’t show all slides correctly?

I am not impressed with the quality of this task sheet.


Can you provide any Cuda progamming sample and example

Where to get some good reference such as original picture and output result

Question C is refer to the picture like comics or cartoon
