Generating ‘/tmp/nsys-report-739c.qdstrm’
[1/1] [=============60% ] mainb_232_gcf_np.nsys-rep
Importer error status: Importation failed.
Import Failed with unexpected exception: /dvs/p4/build/sw/devtools/Agora/Rel/CUDA12.4/QuadD/Host/QdstrmImporter/main.cpp(34): Throw in function {anonymous}::Importer::Importer(const boost::filesystem::path&, const boost::filesystem::path&)
Dynamic exception type: boost::wrapexceptQuadDCommon::RuntimeException
std::exception::what: RuntimeException
[QuadDCommon::tag_message*] = Status: AnalysisFailed
Error {
Type: RuntimeError
SubError {
Type: InvalidArgument
Props {
Items {
Type: OriginalExceptionClass
Value: “N5boost10wrapexceptIN11QuadDCommon24InvalidArgumentExceptionEEE”
Items {
Type: OriginalFile
Value: “/dvs/p4/build/sw/devtools/Agora/Rel/CUDA12.4/QuadD/Host/Analysis/Modules/EventCollection.cpp”
Items {
Type: OriginalLine
Value: “1048”
Items {
Type: OriginalFunction
Value: “void QuadDAnalysis::EventCollection::CheckOrder(QuadDAnalysis::EventCollectionHelper::EventContainer&, const QuadDAnalysis::ConstEvent&) const”
Items {
Type: ErrorText
Value: “Wrong event order has been detected when adding events to the collection:\nnew event ={ StartNs=23685931620 StopNs=23685940092 GlobalId=300023364509374 Event={ TraceProcessEvent=[{ Correlation=204948 EventClass=0 TextId=4005 ReturnValue=0 },] } Type=48 }\nlast event ={ StartNs=24759370210 StopNs=24759383546 GlobalId=300023364509374 Event={ TraceProcessEvent=[{ Correlation=413534 EventClass=0 TextId=4005 ReturnValue=0 },] } Type=48 }”
Failed to create ‘/home/rda/XPAR23/mainb/mainb_232_gcf_np.qdstrm’: File exists.
when nsys is running it will attempt to create .qdrep and .qdstrm files, which carry profiling data. If those files exist the default nsys behavior is to not overwrite those files. Try deleting or renaming those files, or try specifying the nsys command line option to overwrite files.
You may get better help with nsys questions by asking on the relevant nsys forum.