How to get Physx 2.8.4 SDK for backward compatibility


I’m a game engine developer.
My engine si S2ENGINE HD, released on Steam in 2016:

The engine uses the old Physx 2.8.1 version.
As you know this version of physx requires system driver installation.
This has been a problem for me since engine release on STEAM, because after driver installation the PC system must be restarted, and this causes user disappointments and misunderstandings.

I know that Physx 2.8.4 version and up solved the problem with driverless library.

I have decided to migrate from 2.x to 3.x/4.x BUT NOT FOR NOW.
Migrating from 2.x to 3.x/4.x requires too much time for me in this moment.
So What I’m looking for NOW is to find a driverless library SDK (2.8.4 and up to 2.9.x) for fast update my software without spending to much work and time in migratring to new 4.x versions, that, of course, I’ll do in next future.

Unfortunately NVIDIA as incredibly removed all traces of the OLD SDKs from the web.
What I would to ask you is:
It is possible to get to old 2.8.4 (or up to 2.9.x) SDK for solving temporarily the problem?