How to get the 360° lidar point clouds in one frame from packets

I copy the code from “samples/src/icp” to “samples/src/sensors/lidar/lidar_replay” ,to get the complete point cloud in one frame.
the code in “samples/src/sensors/lidar/lidar_replay”,I changed like this :

// declaration
dwPointCloudAccumulatorHandle_t accumulator = DW_NULL_HANDLE;
dwVector2ui dmSize = {0, 0}; // size of depthmap if we are using it.
dwPointCloud pointCloud;

// init accumulator and dwPointCloud
dwPointCloudAccumulatorParams params{};

params.filterWindowSize = 8;
params.organized = true;

CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_initialize(&accumulator, &params, &m_lidarProperties, m_context), “Point Cloud Accumulator Init failed”);
CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_getSweepSize(&dmSize, accumulator), “Cannot retrieve sweep size from point cloud accumulator”);
pointCloud.type = DW_MEMORY_TYPE_CPU;
pointCloud.format = DW_POINTCLOUD_FORMAT_XYZI;
pointCloud.capacity = m_lidarProperties.pointsPerSpin;
CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloud_createBuffer(&pointCloud), “Failed to create buffer for full spin point cloud”);

// in void computeSpin() I changed code like this
while (1)
status = dwSensorLidar_readPacket(&nextPacket, 100000, m_lidarSensor);
if (status == DW_SUCCESS)
CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(nextPacket, accumulator));
hostTimestamp = nextPacket->hostTimestamp;
sensorTimestamp = nextPacket->sensorTimestamp;

  // Append the packet to the buffer
  float32_t* map = &m_pointCloud[accumulatedPoints * m_lidarProperties.pointStride];
  memcpy(map, nextPacket->pointsXYZI, nextPacket->nPoints * sizeof(dwLidarPointXYZI));

  accumulatedPoints += nextPacket->nPoints;
  // If we go beyond a full spin, update the render data then return
  //CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(nextPacket, accumulator));

  if (nextPacket->scanComplete)
     // Should be ready
     bool isReady = false;
     CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&isReady, accumulator));
        throw std::runtime_error("Accumulator collected all spin packets but still reports it is not ready");
     CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_bindOutput(&pointCloud, accumulator), "Cannot bind output buffer to Point Cloud Accumulator");
     CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_process(accumulator), "Cannot process accumulated data");
     accumulatedPoints = 0;
     packetCount       = 0;
     endOfSpin         = true;
     dwSensorLidar_returnPacket(nextPacket, m_lidarSensor);
  dwSensorLidar_returnPacket(nextPacket, m_lidarSensor);


Compile is OK ,but when I run the code the got the error in
CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&isReady, accumulator));
the return isReady is flase.
I don’t konw why .

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Hi wangkai32,

Could you refer to /usr/local/driveworks/samples/src/icp to figure out the problem?
Is it because accumulated packets not exactly the same as packetsPerSpin?

(below code snippet from /usr/local/driveworks/samples/src/icp/main.cpp)

    // Fetch a spin from lidar.
    bool getSpin(dwPointCloud& pointCloud)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lidarProperties.<b>packetsPerSpin</b>

; ++i)
            const dwLidarDecodedPacket* pckt = nullptr;
            if (dwSensorLidar_readPacket(&pckt, 50000, lidarSensor) != DW_SUCCESS)
                return false;

            CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(pckt, accumulator));
            dwSensorLidar_returnPacket(pckt, lidarSensor);

        // Should be ready
        bool isReady = false;
        CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&isReady, accumulator));

I still can not find the cause in /usr/local/driveworks/samples/src/icp. I just want to get the every point belong to the one frame with an efficient way,like using Accumulator . Not decoding the point one by one from the packet

dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket() call times should be the same as packetsPerSpin and then it will get isReady as true from dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady() call.

still error. I used variable calltimes to record the call times of dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(nextPacket, accumulator).
and if the calltimes== packetsPerSpin then I call the function of dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady().still get the false return.

int calltimes=0;
while (1)
            status = dwSensorLidar_readPacket(&nextPacket, 100000, m_lidarSensor);
            if (status == DW_SUCCESS)
                CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_addLidarPacket(nextPacket, accumulator));
                hostTimestamp   = nextPacket->hostTimestamp;
                sensorTimestamp = nextPacket->sensorTimestamp;
                // Append the packet to the buffer
                float32_t* map = &m_pointCloud[accumulatedPoints * m_lidarProperties.pointStride];
                memcpy(map, nextPacket->pointsXYZI, nextPacket->nPoints * sizeof(dwLidarPointXYZI));
                memmove(total, nextPacket->pointsXYZI, nextPacket->nPoints * sizeof(dwLidarPointXYZI));
                accumulatedPoints += nextPacket->nPoints;

                if (nextPacket->scanComplete)
                    std::cout<<"call times="<<calltimes<<std::endl;
                    if (calltimes==(int)m_lidarProperties.packetsPerSpin)
                        bool isReady = false;
                        CHECK_DW_ERROR(dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady(&isReady, accumulator));
                        if(!isReady) {
                            throw std::runtime_error("Accumulator collected all spin packets but still reports it is not ready");                        
                            CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_bindOutput(&pointCloud, accumulator), "Cannot bind output buffer to Point Cloud Accumulator");
                            CHECK_DW_ERROR_MSG(dwPointCloudAccumulator_process(accumulator), "Cannot process accumulated data");
                    accumulatedPoints = 0;
                    packetCount       = 0;
                    endOfSpin         = true;
                    dwSensorLidar_returnPacket(nextPacket, m_lidarSensor);
                dwSensorLidar_returnPacket(nextPacket, m_lidarSensor);

Could you try if calling dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady() everytime will get a ready state sometime? Does dwPointCloudAccumulator_isReady work well in the ICP sample? If yes, you can refer to it to see what is different in your implementation.