How to initialise new input 'Source ID' with custom values?

→ Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)** : Deepstream 6.3 docker container on a NVIDIA GeForce MX230
→ DeepStream Version : 6.3
→ JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) : Nil
→ TensorRT Version** :
→ NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) : 535.183.01
→ Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) : Problem

Here, I have added a new input called source ID in the input layers using the function extraInputProcess present in the cpp custom inferserver implementation file called nvdsinferserver_custom_process_ensemble.cpp.

Given below is the code for function extraInputProcess implementing source ID as one of the extraInputs:

NvDsInferStatus extraInputProcess(
const std::vectordsis::IBatchBuffer*&
primaryInputs, // primary tensor(image) has been processed
std::vectordsis::IBatchBuffer*& extraInputs, const dsis::IOptions* options) override
INFER_ASSERT(primaryInputs.size() > 0);
INFER_ASSERT(extraInputs.size() >= 1);
// primary input tensor: INPUT [batch, channel, height, width]
dsis::InferBufferDescription input0Desc = primaryInputs[0]->getBufDesc();
// extra input tensor: STREAM_ID [batch, 1]
dsis::InferBufferDescription streamIdDesc = extraInputs[0]->getBufDesc();
dsis::InferBufferDescription sourceIdDesc = extraInputs[1]->getBufDesc();

    INFER_ASSERT(streamIdDesc.dataType == dsis::InferDataType::kInt32);
    INFER_ASSERT(sourceIdDesc.dataType == dsis::InferDataType::kInt32);
    INFER_ASSERT(streamIdDesc.elementSize == sizeof(int32_t));
    INFER_ASSERT(sourceIdDesc.elementSize == sizeof(int32_t));

    LOG_DEBUG("extraInputProcess: primary input %s", strOfBufDesc(input0Desc).c_str());
    LOG_DEBUG("extraInputProcess: extra input stream ID %s", strOfBufDesc(streamIdDesc).c_str());
    LOG_DEBUG("extraInputProcess: extra input source ID %s", strOfBufDesc(sourceIdDesc).c_str());

    // batch size must be get from primary input tensor.
    // extra inputs 'image_shape' does not have a batch size in this specific model
    int batchSize = input0Desc.dims.d[0];
    INFER_ASSERT(streamIdDesc.dims.numDims == 2 && streamIdDesc.dims.d[0] == batchSize);
    INFER_ASSERT(sourceIdDesc.dims.numDims == 2 && sourceIdDesc.dims.d[0] == batchSize);
    INFER_ASSERT(batchSize >= 1);

    if (!options) {
        LOG_ERROR("custom process does not receive IOptions");

    NvDsBatchMeta* batchMeta = nullptr;
    std::vector<NvDsFrameMeta*> frameMetaList;
    NvBufSurface* bufSurf = nullptr;
    std::vector<NvBufSurfaceParams*> surfParamsList;
    std::vector<uint64_t> streamIds;
    int64_t unique_id = 0;
    INFER_ASSERT(options->getValueArray(OPTION_NVDS_SREAM_IDS, streamIds) == NVDSINFER_SUCCESS);
    INFER_ASSERT(streamIds.size() == (uint32_t)batchSize);

    // get NvBufSurface
    if (options->hasValue(OPTION_NVDS_BUF_SURFACE)) {

    // get NvDsBatchMeta
    if (options->hasValue(OPTION_NVDS_BATCH_META)) {

    // get all frame meta list into vector<NvDsFrameMeta*>
    if (options->hasValue(OPTION_NVDS_FRAME_META_LIST)) {
            options->getValueArray(OPTION_NVDS_FRAME_META_LIST, frameMetaList) ==

    // get unique_id
    if (options->hasValue(OPTION_NVDS_UNIQUE_ID)) {
        INFER_ASSERT(options->getInt(OPTION_NVDS_UNIQUE_ID, unique_id) == NVDSINFER_SUCCESS);

    // get all surface params list into vector<NvBufSurfaceParams*>
    if (options->hasValue(OPTION_NVDS_BUF_SURFACE_PARAMS_LIST)) {
            options->getValueArray(OPTION_NVDS_BUF_SURFACE_PARAMS_LIST, surfParamsList) ==

    // fill extra input tensor "STREAM_ID[-1,1]"
    int32_t* streamIdTensor = (int32_t*)extraInputs[0]->getBufPtr(0);

    for (int iBatch = 0; iBatch < batchSize; ++iBatch) {
        streamIdTensor[iBatch] = streamIds[iBatch];

I have tried printing the source ID tensor using the python backend file using these statements:

source_id_tensor = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, “SOURCE_ID”)

And it outputs the source ID as ‘[[0]]’ for the following pipeline query :

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! nvvideoconvert ! “video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=1920, height=1080” ! m.sink_0 nvstreammux name=m width=1920 height=1080 batch_size=3 ! nvinferserver config-file-path=dstest1_pgie_inferserver_config.txt ! nvstreamdemux name=d d.src_0 ! nvvideoconvert ! autovideosink sync=0

I am referring to the sample ‘deepstream-rtsp-in-rtsp-out’.

Below given are the contents in dstest1_pgie_inferserver_config.txt :

infer_config {
unique_id: 1
gpu_ids: 0
max_batch_size: 1
backend {
inputs [
name: “INPUT0”
dims: [3, 1080, 1920]
name: “SOURCE_ID”
dims: [ 1 ]
triton {
model_name: “centerface”
version: -1
model_repo {
root: “./centerface”
log_level: 1
tf_gpu_memory_fraction: 0.2
tf_disable_soft_placement: 0

preprocess {
network_format: IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB
maintain_aspect_ratio: 0
normalize {
scale_factor: 1.0
channel_offsets: [0, 0, 0]

postprocess {
labelfile_path: “./centerface/centerface/centerface_labels.txt”

custom_lib {
path: “./centerface/”

extra {
custom_process_funcion: “CreateInferServerCustomProcess”
input_control {
interval: 0

output_control {
output_tensor_meta: true

How can I make the new input ‘source ID’ hold custom values instead of just the value 0?

from dstest1_pgie_inferserver_config.txt, the extra input is name: “SOURCE_ID”. why are there two extraInputs in extraInputProcess? why do add streamIdTensor into extraInputs[0]? please refer to opt\nvidia\deepstream\deepstream\sources\apps\sample_apps\deepstream-lidar-inference-app\custom_preprocess_impl\custom_preprocess.cpp, the extrainput is “dims: [ 1 ]”, which is similar to your model.

Stream ID was an input present in extra Inputs field already in the custom implementation cpp file, so I didnt want to remove it, instead I added one more input called source ID into extraInputs (for making a custom implementation to accomodate the input mentioned in config file). But now I have removed stream ID from extra Inputs and added only source ID as extraInputs[0]. Now the value of this source ID when printed using python backend gives the output as [[0]], how can I initialise custom values instead of having the present value of 0 kept for source ID.

custom implementation cpp needs to correspond to model inputs. please remove adding Stream ID because it is not a part of inputs.

Thank you for mentioning. I have removed Stream ID and have kept only Source ID in the extraInputs field. Now, how can we initialise this Source ID in extraInputs with custom values or with some custom data structure like an array of values. This custom value initialisation must be reflected while printing the Source ID Tensor using the python backend file

Sorry for the late reply, Is this still an DeepStream issue to support? Thanks!