How to install JetPack 3.0 by wireless network

Hi, I’m using wireless network to install Jetpack 3.0 for TX2, but it said that “Finished Flashing os Determining the IP address of target”
Did anyone see this before and how could I solve it? Thanks
My host pc used VMware and Ubuntu 16.04 x86, it connected the network by wireless network

It’s not officialy supported to connect the Jetson and PC over wireless network to complete the post-flash install steps. Instead, please connect them over Ethernet cable, either directly or through a router or switch.

However if you wait long enough when it says “Determining the IP address of target”, after the DHCP detection times out, it will prompt you to manually enter the IP address of the Jetson. It may work then, but is not as reliable over wireless.

So I can connect TX2 and host PC directly by Ethernet cable not router? Thanks

Yes, you can connect them directly via a spare ethernet port on the host PC. I do not recall a crossover cable being necessary, either.

When you are running JetPack, select the second option during this dialog:

External Media

I am trying to use the JetPack 3.2 installer with a TX2 over wireless since my host does not have an ethernet port. I have some hope that it is possible, despite the views on the forums, based on the logic that a local network connection is used to transfer the files and thus should not need to know if wifi or wired option is used. This thread makes it sounds like it might be possible, but not recommended.
…It may work then, but is not as reliable over wireless.

My goal is to only install the “drivers” because the CUDA samples on the TX2 are complaining that no driver could be detected. The fact that the CUDA 9 Samples are on the device shows I was able to install some content with a wireless connection. I am hoping someone can understand the logs (I wish I could attach to this message). I noticed some "/dev/null"s but I’m not sure if the log is from only the most recent attempt or all attempts and I ran Jetpack several times, getting further sometimes.

I avoided a flash on this device, and thus did not connect the USB data cable, because I am gunshy after I put a different TX2 device in an unusable state (another thread coming) when attempting to use a different host to flash that device.


PageAction: Sat Dec 30 11:15:17 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 3634 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 11:15:21 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 3634 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 11:18:35 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 3885 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 11:18:39 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 3885 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 11:29:09 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil setup /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ 3923
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:03:45 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.nvtools.battle 2.5 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:04:09 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.nvtools.quadd 3.9 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/SystemProfiler-linux-public-3.9.2626-135cf82.tar.gz /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:04:19 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install 3.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:04:21 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install 3.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:04:22 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.middleware.visionworks_docs 1.6 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:04:26 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install 9.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.252-1_amd64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:08:50 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install org.opencv.middleware.ocv_64_host 3.3.1 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libopencv_3.3.1_amd64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:09:40 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.middleware.visionworks_host 1.6 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libvisionworks-repo_1.6.0.500n_amd64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:10:33 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.middleware.visionworks_host_sfm 0.90 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libvisionworks-sfm-repo_0.90.3_amd64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:10:52 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.middleware.visionworks_host_tracking 0.88 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libvisionworks-tracking-repo_0.88.2_amd64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:11:10 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.cuda.l4t_64_tx2 9.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/cuda-repo-l4t-9-0-local_9.0.252-1_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:11:10 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.cuda.compile_cuda_64_tx2 9.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:11:10 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.middleware.cudnn_64_tx2 7.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libcudnn7_7.0.5.13-1+cuda9.0_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 12:11:10 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install org.opencv.middleware.ocv_l4t_64_tx2 3.3.1 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libopencv_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 3885
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 12:11:11 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_shortcut
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 12:11:11 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query eclipse
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 12:11:11 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query incredibuild
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 12:11:11 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation nextpage . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 3885
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 12:12:24 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query post_installation_info
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 14:24:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction jetpack_device_info set_info <target_ip_address> <target_username> <target_password>
mkdir -p /home/ed/.ssh 
touch /home/ed/.ssh/known_hosts 
ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f /home/ed/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keygen -R
echo /home/ed
ssh-add /home/ed/.ssh/id_rsa 0<&-
scp -F /dev/null -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /home/ed/.ssh/ nvidia@<ipaddress>:/home/nvidia/
ssh -F /dev/null -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 nvidia@<ipaddress>
[ -d .ssh ] || mkdir .ssh
[on target] mv /home/nvidia/ /home/nvidia/.ssh/authorized_keys
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 14:25:08 PST 2017: ./PageAction jetpack_deploy_samples install /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack 2.3
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 14:25:08 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil install cuda_l4t_post_64_tx2 9.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/cuda-repo-l4t-9-0-local_9.0.252-1_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack jetpack_repository.json fake_installer_pid
ssh -F /dev/null -t nvidia@ "sudo ~/cuda-l4t/ cuda-repo-l4t-9-0-local_9.0.252-1_arm64.deb 9.0 9-0 2>>~/cuda-l4t/cuda_l4t_error.log"
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 14:33:37 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil install ocv_l4t_post_64_tx2 fake_version /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libopencv_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack jetpack_repository.json fake_installer_pid
ssh -F /dev/null -t nvidia@ "while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock > /dev/null 2>&1; do echo 'Waiting for other apt-get command to finish' && sleep 3; done; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y libtbb2 libtbb-dev libavcodec-ffmpeg56 libavformat-ffmpeg56 libavutil-ffmpeg54 libswscale-ffmpeg3; sudo dpkg -i ~/OpenCV/libopencv_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb;sudo dpkg -i ~/OpenCV/libopencv-dev_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb;sudo dpkg -i ~/OpenCV/libopencv-python_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb;sudo dpkg -i ~/OpenCV/libopencv-samples_3.3.1_t186_arm64.deb"
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 14:34:24 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil install compile_cuda_post_64_tx2 9.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/cuda-repo-l4t-9-0-local_9.0.252-1_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack jetpack_repository.json fake_installer_pid
echo running "SMS=62 EXTRA_LDFLAGS=--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 make -j1 -i | tee -a /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/logs/64_TX2/cuda_compile_tx2.log" to compile samples > /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/logs/64_TX2/cuda_compile_tx2.log
SMS=62 EXTRA_LDFLAGS=--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 make -j1 -i | tee -a /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/logs/64_TX2/cuda_compile_tx2.log
scp -F /dev/null -r NVIDIA_CUDA-9.0_Samples nvidia@
echo "Now running matrixMul sample...." | tee -a /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/logs/64_TX2//cuda_compile_tx2.log
ssh -F /dev/null nvidia@ NVIDIA_CUDA-9.0_Samples/bin/aarch64/linux/release/matrixMul | tee -a /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/logs/64_TX2//cuda_compile_tx2.log
ssh -F /dev/null -t nvidia@ 'cd ~; /usr/local/cuda/bin/cuda-install-samples*.sh .' 
sleep 5
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 14:51:17 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil install cudnn_post_64_tx2 7.0 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/libcudnn7_7.0.5.13-1+cuda9.0_arm64.deb /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack jetpack_repository.json fake_installer_pid
ssh -F /dev/null -t nvidia@ "while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock > /dev/null 2>&1; do echo 'Waiting for other apt-get command to finish' && sleep 3; done; sudo dpkg -i ~/cudnn/libcudnn7_7.0.5.13-1+cuda9.0_arm64.deb;sudo dpkg -i ~/cudnn/libcudnn7-dev_7.0.5.13-1+cuda9.0_arm64.deb;sudo dpkg -i ~/cudnn/libcudnn7-doc_7.0.5.13-1+cuda9.0_arm64.deb"
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 14:56:44 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction jetpack_deploy_samples nextpage
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 14:57:04 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_workspace
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:15:57 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 31914 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:16:01 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 31914 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 16:31:57 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil setup /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ 31952
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 16:42:20 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.l4t.driver4os_64_tx2 28.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/Tegra186_Linux_R28.2.0_aarch64.tbz2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 31914
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 16:42:31 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.l4t.filesystem_64_tx2 28.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R28.2.0_aarch64.tbz2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 31914
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:45:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_shortcut
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:45:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation nextpage . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 31914
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:45:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query incredibuild
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:45:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query eclipse
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 16:45:38 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_workspace
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:24:05 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 2280 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:24:09 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 2280 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 20:26:26 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil setup /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ 2319
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 20:26:35 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil uninstall com.nvidia.l4t.driver4os_64_tx2 28.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:26:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_shortcut
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:26:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query incredibuild
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:26:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation nextpage . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 2280
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:26:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query eclipse
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:26:53 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_workspace
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:27:56 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 2827 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:28:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 2827 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 20:31:00 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/InstallUtil setup /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ 2867
InstallUtils: Sat Dec 30 20:31:15 PST 2017: ./InstallUtil install com.nvidia.l4t.driver4os_64_tx2 28.2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/Tegra186_Linux_R28.2.0_aarch64.tbz2 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/repository.json 2827
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:31:38 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_shortcut
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:31:39 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query incredibuild
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:31:39 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation nextpage . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack Launcher 2827
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:31:39 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction query eclipse
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:31:49 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction finished create_workspace
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:48:39 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation install . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 1149 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/
PageAction: Sat Dec 30 20:48:43 PST 2017: /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/_installer/PageAction installation miscellaneous . /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/ Launcher 1149 /home/ed/Desktop/jetpack/jetpack_download/

@dusty_nv Your 2nd reply and 2nd case in that; my desktop has only one network card, can I complete post flash setup by connecting them in this config once flashing is complete and it prompts me for manual ip or retry?

and before that let them in the 1st config.

FYI, WiFi isn’t supported, but I have heard of it sometimes working. The mechanism for automatically finding the IP address is designed to work once after flash through wired. On the other hand, you can run JetPack at later dates and choose to just install software without flashing…in which case you must manually enter an IP address. WiFi is never set up automatically, but if you have already manually configured WiFi then there probably isn’t any reason you can’t at least attempt a WiFi install. On the other hand, it is easier for WiFi to briefly fail and break a long download.